Unlock Team Success with 75 Dynamic Team Building Activities

Bringing your team together doesn’t have to be a grand event involving hundreds of employees. In fact, smaller groups are uniquely positioned to get the most out of team building activities, where everyone can engage fully and form closer connections.

Whether it’s an afternoon of problem-solving fun or a well-being-focused retreat, these activities can help your team bond, improve communication, and boost morale – all while having a good laugh!

The Benefits of Team Building in Smaller Groups

When it comes to small teams, there’s no hiding in the back! Smaller group sizes mean that each person is actively involved, and the results are often more meaningful. Without the noise and distraction of larger events, team building in small groups allows for more direct communication, personalised activities, and a greater sense of connection between participants. Team building is a great way to boost employee retention and overall employee wellbeing.

Smaller groups also offer more flexibility, enabling teams to try activities that wouldn’t be feasible with a larger crowd. Whether it’s heading out for a casual walk or tackling a complex puzzle together, smaller teams are free to get creative and tailor their experience to their own goals and preferences.

Creative Indoor Activities

Indoor Team Building

The weather outside might be frightful, but team building indoors can be just as delightful. Here are some engaging indoor activities that will have your team laughing, bonding, and thinking on their feet:

  • Escape Room Challenges: Whether virtual or in-person, escape rooms are the perfect combination of teamwork, problem-solving, and high-energy fun. The pressure is on to solve puzzles and unlock doors—perfect for boosting collaboration under a time crunch.
  • Office Trivia: Let’s see who’s really been paying attention! Create trivia questions about your team members, company history, or fun general knowledge. It’s a light-hearted way to encourage some friendly competition and help team members learn more about each other.
  • Collaborative Cooking Classes: Who said team building can’t be delicious? Organise a cooking class where your team must work together to prepare a meal. It’s a great way to develop communication and leadership skills while enjoying a rewarding and tasty outcome.
  • Puzzle Races: Set up multiple tables with different jigsaw puzzles and split your team into groups. The challenge is to see which group can complete their puzzle the fastest. It’s a great way to foster collaboration while engaging everyone in problem-solving.
  • Board Game Tournament: Organise a mini-tournament featuring classic board games like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Settlers of Catan. Board games encourage strategy, negotiation, and communication—all while keeping things light and enjoyable.
  • DIY Escape Room: If heading to a professional escape room isn’t an option, you can create your own right in the office. Set up clues, puzzles, and locked boxes that your team must solve to ‘escape’ a designated room. This can be as simple or complex as you like and is a great way to get everyone thinking critically together.
  • Murder Mystery Party: Transform your office or meeting room into a crime scene with a murder mystery game. Each team member can take on a different character and work together to solve the mystery. It’s a fun way to test logical thinking and collaboration skills.
  • LEGO Building Challenge: Give each team the same set of LEGO blocks and challenge them to build something within a time limit. The catch? Each creation has to meet specific criteria, such as height or functionality. This promotes creativity and teamwork while allowing for some healthy competition.
  • Creative Writing Workshop: Organise a short writing workshop where team members can collaborate on a story or a fun project, such as writing a script for a short skit. This activity encourages creativity and communication, and the final product can be performed for added fun.
  • Build-a-Prototype: Provide your team with random office supplies (paper clips, rubber bands, tape, etc.) and challenge them to build a prototype of a random object or device. This creative exercise encourages out-of-the-box thinking and innovation.
  • Karaoke Battle: For teams that love music and aren’t afraid to get a bit silly, a karaoke battle is a great way to break the ice and get everyone laughing. Create teams and let them compete for the title of the office’s best performers.
  • Indoor Obstacle Course: Transform your office space into a fun, low-impact obstacle course. Teams must work together to navigate through the course while tackling various challenges like balancing items, tossing balls into bins, or even a paper aeroplane contest. It’s a fantastic way to boost energy and team spirit.
  • Team Movie Day with a Twist: Instead of just watching a film together, turn it into an interactive experience by assigning small tasks or quizzes related to the movie. You could choose a movie about teamwork and have discussions on how it relates to your workplace dynamics.

Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Team Building

If your team is craving a bit of fresh air, outdoor activities are perfect for breaking free from the office environment. These low-pressure, fun-focused activities are ideal for smaller groups to bond in a relaxed setting:

  • Scavenger Hunts: Set up a scavenger hunt in your local area, and watch as your team races to find hidden objects and solve clues. It’s a fantastic way to get everyone moving, thinking on their feet, and working together in a fun and slightly competitive way.
  • Outdoor Picnics and Games: Sometimes the best team bonding happens when people are simply relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Organise a picnic in the park and throw in some simple games like rounders or frisbee to encourage friendly interactions.
  • Team Hikes: There’s something about nature that brings people closer. A group hike offers your team a chance to unplug from work, clear their minds, and bond over the shared experience of tackling a trail together.
  • Kayaking or Canoeing: Take your team out on the water for a kayaking or canoeing trip. This activity requires teamwork to paddle in sync, making it a great way to develop cooperation skills while enjoying nature.
  • Orienteering Challenge: Give your team a map and compass, and set them the task of navigating through a course. Orienteering is an exciting way to build problem-solving skills, promote physical activity, and enhance communication as teams work together to reach each checkpoint.
  • Beach Day Games: If you’re near a coast, a beach day filled with team games like beach volleyball, sandcastle building competitions, or beach relay races can provide a relaxed yet engaging team-building experience.
  • Obstacle Course or High Ropes Adventure: Many parks and adventure centres offer pre-set obstacle courses or high ropes challenges. These activities encourage trust and support as teams help each other overcome physical obstacles or tackle heights together.
  • Outdoor Paintball or Laser Tag: Organise a friendly paintball or laser tag tournament. Teams must strategise, communicate, and work together to achieve victory, all while having a thrilling, competitive experience in the outdoors.
  • Volunteering in Nature: Combine team building with giving back by organising a group volunteer day in the great outdoors. Activities like planting trees, cleaning up a beach, or maintaining a community garden can bond your team while supporting a meaningful cause.
  • Geocaching Adventure: Set your team up with GPS devices or smartphones to hunt for hidden geocaches in the local area. This real-world treasure hunt builds teamwork as groups solve clues and explore the outdoors together.
  • Outdoor Movie Night: Set up an outdoor cinema for your team in a park or an open field. While it may seem laid-back, this experience can help employees bond as they relax and chat under the stars, adding a fun twist with a cosy setting and snacks.
  • Adventure Park Challenge: Take your team to an adventure park with zip lines, tree-top challenges, and climbing walls. These activities promote team support and courage, as participants often have to rely on each other for guidance and encouragement.
  • Team Cycling Tour: Plan a cycling tour around your local area or a nearby scenic route. This leisurely group ride is a great way for your team to enjoy the outdoors, get some exercise, and engage in conversations along the way.
  • Photography Scavenger Hunt: Equip your team with cameras (or smartphones) and set up a photo scavenger hunt with a list of items or scenes they need to capture. This creative challenge encourages teams to think outside the box while exploring the outdoors.
  • Park Fitness Challenge: Set up stations in a local park for a fun fitness challenge, such as lunges, push-ups, or plank holds. Teams can rotate between stations, encouraging each other to push through the challenges. You can make it competitive or keep it light and fun.

Mindful and Well-being Activities

Mindful Team Building

Team building doesn’t always have to be fast-paced. In fact, introducing mindfulness and well-being into your activities can help your team relax, reset, and reconnect. Consider these activities to nurture both the body and mind:

  • Group Meditation or Yoga: Slow things down with a guided meditation or yoga session. These practices help reduce stress, improve focus, and create a calming atmosphere where your team can unwind together.
  • Wellness Retreat Days: Treat your team to a half-day retreat where they can focus on mindfulness, light physical activities, and meaningful conversations. This is a perfect option for teams needing a bit of extra self-care and relaxation.
  • Guided Nature Walks: Take your team on a calming nature walk, led by a guide who can point out local wildlife and plants. Encourage mindfulness by having team members focus on their surroundings—the sounds, sights, and smells of nature. It’s a peaceful way to foster connection with both nature and colleagues.
  • Sound Bath Meditation: Introduce your team to the relaxing practice of sound bath meditation, where participants lie down and are immersed in calming sounds created by instruments like singing bowls and gongs. This experience can reduce stress and promote relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Gratitude Journaling Sessions: Provide each team member with a journal and spend time together reflecting on things they’re grateful for. Sharing a few thoughts at the end can help create a supportive environment while promoting positive thinking and well-being.
  • Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku): Inspired by the Japanese practice of “forest bathing,” this involves spending time in the forest to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Team members can take quiet walks or sit among the trees to enjoy the calming effects of nature.
  • Mindful Eating Workshops: In this session, the team focuses on the experience of eating slowly and mindfully. Participants learn to appreciate the flavours, textures, and aromas of their food while discussing how mindfulness can be applied to daily life.
  • Breathwork Sessions: Breathwork exercises help to reduce anxiety and increase focus. A certified instructor can guide the team through different breathing techniques to promote relaxation, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
  • Aromatherapy Workshops: Organise a session where your team learns about essential oils and their benefits. Participants can create their own blends for relaxation, energy, or focus, and take them home as a reminder to incorporate mindful practices into their routine.
  • Digital Detox Day: Encourage a day where the team is fully disconnected from their phones, emails, and social media. Instead, focus on activities like reading, walking, and engaging in meaningful face-to-face conversations. This can help reduce stress and promote mental clarity.
  • Mindful Stretching or Tai Chi: Combine gentle movement with mindfulness in a stretching or Tai Chi session. These slow, deliberate exercises are excellent for reducing tension in the body and helping the mind relax, making it a great midday break for mental and physical health.
  • Guided Visualisation: Lead your team in a guided visualisation exercise where they imagine relaxing scenarios, such as walking along a beach or sitting by a peaceful river. This practice can help reduce stress and inspire creativity, allowing the team to reset and refocus.
  • Journaling for Mental Clarity: Provide prompts for a journaling session focused on mental clarity and self-reflection. Encouraging team members to put their thoughts on paper can help them process their emotions, clear their minds, and even spark new ideas.
  • Tea Meditation: This calming practice involves brewing and drinking tea slowly and mindfully. Participants focus on each step of the process—from boiling the water to sipping the tea—using the experience as a way to bring attention to the present moment.
  • Laughter Yoga: Engage your team in a fun, laughter-filled session of laughter yoga. Combining deep breathing with playful laughter exercises, this activity reduces stress, boosts mood, and leaves everyone feeling more connected and energised.

Creative Workshops and Artsy Fun

Creative Team Building

Unlocking creativity is a brilliant way to engage your team and help them see things from a new perspective. These creative activities encourage collaboration and imagination in a playful environment:

  • Art or Craft Classes: Whether it’s painting, pottery, or creating DIY crafts, hands-on activities like these are an ideal way to bring out your team’s creative side. Not only does it encourage out-of-the-box thinking, but it also allows everyone to create something unique as a team.
  • Improv Workshops: Ready to get a little silly? Improv workshops are packed with laughter and fun, but they’re also brilliant for building confidence, quick thinking, and spontaneous communication. It’s a great way to loosen everyone up and break down barriers.
  • Ceramics or Pottery Workshop: Get your team’s hands dirty by organising a pottery class where they can create their own bowls, mugs, or sculptures. Working with clay can be therapeutic and allows team members to express themselves in a tangible, creative way.
  • Custom T-shirt Design: Give your team the chance to design their own T-shirts. Provide fabric paint, stencils, and blank shirts, and let creativity flow. This could be a fun team-building activity with a keepsake at the end.
  • DIY Terrarium Building: Bring some greenery into the office with a terrarium-building workshop. Team members can create small, personalised indoor gardens using glass containers, plants, and decorative elements. It’s a calming activity that also connects participants to nature.
  • Photography Workshop: Host a photography class, either with smartphones or cameras, where team members can learn basic photography skills. Afterwards, challenge them to capture creative shots around the office or during a team outing, with the best photos displayed as part of a gallery.
  • Creative Writing or Poetry Slam: Encourage storytelling by organising a creative writing or poetry session. Team members can work individually or in groups to create a short story, poem, or even a script. To end the session, participants can share their work in a fun, supportive environment.
  • DIY Bath Bomb Making: This relaxing, hands-on activity lets team members create their own custom bath bombs, choosing colours, fragrances, and ingredients. It’s a great way to encourage creativity while offering a little self-care to take home.
  • Collaborative Mural Painting: If you have the space, provide your team with a large canvas or wall and let them work together to create a mural. Each person can contribute their own artistic style, which culminates in a unique piece of art that symbolises team collaboration.
  • Sculpting with Recycled Materials: Organise a sculpting session using recycled materials such as cardboard, plastic bottles, and paper. This eco-friendly activity challenges team members to think outside the box and create something unique from everyday items, encouraging sustainability and creativity.
  • Jewellery Making Workshop: Get crafty with a jewellery-making session where team members can design and create their own bracelets, necklaces, or earrings. It’s a hands-on, focused activity that encourages creativity and attention to detail.
  • Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: Host a calligraphy or hand-lettering class where team members can learn beautiful writing techniques. This artistic workshop is relaxing and helps to develop patience and concentration, with participants able to take home their new skill.
  • Film-making Workshop: Encourage your team to explore the art of storytelling through film. Split them into small groups and have them create short films using smartphones or simple equipment. This activity encourages teamwork, creativity, and technical skills, and the final films can be showcased for everyone to enjoy.
  • Origami Art Session: Teach your team the delicate art of origami. It’s a calming and meditative activity that requires precision and focus, allowing team members to create beautiful paper sculptures while exercising their patience and fine motor skills.
  • Floral Arrangement Class: Bring nature indoors with a floral arrangement workshop. Participants can learn how to create beautiful bouquets or centrepieces while exploring their creative side. Plus, they’ll have a lovely piece of nature to take home or display in the office.
  • Music Jam Session: If your team enjoys music, consider hosting a music jam session where participants can play instruments, sing, or create rhythms using everyday objects. This encourages collaboration, improvisation, and fun, even if no one’s a professional musician.
  • Upcycling Craft Projects: Encourage sustainability by hosting an upcycling workshop. Provide old or discarded items, such as furniture or home decor, and let your team get creative by transforming them into something new and useful.

Virtual Team Building for Remote Workers

Virtual Team Building

Just because your team is working remotely doesn’t mean they have to miss out on the fun. Virtual team-building activities are becoming increasingly popular, and for a good reason—they’re engaging, accessible, and perfect for keeping remote teams connected:

  • Online Quiz Nights: Organise a virtual quiz with a variety of fun topics that can appeal to everyone. From pop culture to random facts, quizzes are a great way to spark conversation and bring out a bit of competitive spirit, even from afar.
  • Virtual Coffee Breaks: Encourage your remote team to set aside time for informal, non-work-related chats. Virtual coffee breaks provide a great opportunity to connect on a personal level, discuss hobbies, or simply catch up.
  • Virtual Escape Room: Much like in-person escape rooms, a virtual escape room allows your team to work together to solve puzzles and complete tasks to ‘escape’ the virtual setting. This builds teamwork, problem-solving skills, and communication in a fun, engaging way from the comfort of home.
  • Online Cooking Class: Organise a live, virtual cooking class where team members can follow along with a professional chef to cook a meal together. It’s a great way to bond while learning new culinary skills, and everyone gets to enjoy a delicious reward at the end.
  • Virtual Show and Tell: Have team members share something personal and meaningful with the group during a virtual meeting, whether it’s a favourite book, a pet, or a hobby. This is a fun way to foster deeper connections and learn more about each other’s lives outside of work.
  • Virtual Pictionary or Drawing Games: Use an online whiteboard tool to play virtual Pictionary or other drawing games. Teams can take turns sketching a word or phrase while others guess, leading to lots of laughs and improving communication.
  • Virtual Office Olympics: Create a series of fun, simple challenges for your team to complete virtually. Examples could include balancing a spoon on their nose, timed household scavenger hunts, or doing the most star jumps in a minute. Make it competitive by awarding points and hosting a virtual medal ceremony.
  • Remote Talent Show: Let your team showcase their hidden talents in a virtual talent show. From singing and playing instruments to magic tricks or baking, team members can share their unique skills, sparking joy and bringing everyone closer together.
  • Virtual Bingo: Create custom bingo cards with work-related or fun personal facts (e.g., “Has a dog,” “Loves hiking,” or “Started at the company in 2020”). As team members get to know each other better, they mark off their cards. The first to complete a row wins a small prize.
  • Virtual Book Club: Choose a book and have team members read it over the course of a month. Hold a virtual meeting to discuss the themes, characters, and personal takeaways. This promotes intellectual engagement and provides a space for meaningful conversations.
  • Virtual Volunteer Day: Get your team involved in a collective cause while working remotely. For example, you could organise an online fundraiser, participate in virtual mentoring programs, or do individual acts of kindness, all while tracking the impact together as a team.
  • Remote Team Trivia: Host a virtual trivia quiz using a video conferencing platform. You can make the trivia about general knowledge, pop culture, or even company-specific facts to add a personal touch. Teams can compete for bragging rights or small rewards.
  • Virtual Escape the Room: Similar to virtual escape rooms but designed as “escape the room” challenges, these online puzzles allow your team to work together in real-time, solving mysteries and interacting with a virtual environment to win the game.
  • Weekly Virtual Coffee Catch-ups: Schedule informal, weekly catch-ups where the team can join a video call to chat about non-work topics. You could even assign conversation starters or ask team members to share fun facts about themselves, fostering a relaxed, social atmosphere.
  • Online Mindfulness or Meditation Sessions: Organise a virtual mindfulness or meditation session where an instructor leads the team through guided meditation or breathing exercises. This is a calming way to bond and provides mental relaxation.
  • Virtual “Two Truths and a Lie” Game: Team members take turns sharing two true statements and one false one about themselves, while the others guess which is the lie. It’s a simple and fun way to get to know colleagues better in a relaxed, virtual setting.
  • Digital Team Building Puzzles: Various online platforms offer collaborative puzzles that teams can solve together in real-time. Whether it’s crosswords, Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles, these challenges encourage collaboration and teamwork.
  • Virtual Fitness Challenges: Encourage remote team members to take part in fitness challenges such as a step count competition, yoga sessions, or a week-long healthy habit challenge. Share progress and celebrate achievements virtually to keep the energy high.
  • Online Comedy or Improv Class: Hire a virtual improv coach or comedian to lead a fun, interactive session with your team. Not only will this activity improve creativity and quick thinking, but it’s guaranteed to bring laughter and lift everyone’s spirits.
  • Virtual Pet Parade: For teams with pets, organise a virtual meeting where team members introduce their pets to everyone. It’s a light-hearted way to bond and brings a touch of fun to an otherwise typical remote workday.

Tips for Selecting the Right Activity

Choosing the perfect team-building activity can make all the difference in fostering a positive, collaborative atmosphere. While there are plenty of options, it’s essential to consider several key factors to ensure the activity resonates with your team and achieves your desired outcomes.

Know Your Team’s Dynamics and Preferences

Every team is different, and what works for one group may not suit another. Take into account the personalities and dynamics of your team members. Are they more introverted or extroverted? Do they prefer high-energy activities or something more relaxed? If your team is full of extroverts who thrive in competitive environments, a fast-paced game or challenge might be a hit. On the other hand, if you have a quieter group, mindfulness or creative activities might be more appropriate. The key is to match the activity to the team’s collective energy and comfort levels.

Consider the Objectives

It’s important to think about the primary goal of the team-building activity. Are you looking to improve communication? Build trust? Foster creativity? Boost morale? Different activities are suited to different outcomes. For example:

  • To improve communication: Opt for activities that require clear, concise dialogue, such as escape rooms or collaborative problem-solving challenges.
  • To build trust: Activities like team hikes, outdoor adventures, or trust-building exercises (such as blindfolded navigation) can be highly effective.
  • To foster creativity: Try activities that encourage out-of-the-box thinking, such as creative workshops, design challenges, or improv sessions.
  • To reduce stress and boost well-being: Mindful activities like yoga, meditation, or wellness retreats are ideal for helping your team unwind and recharge.

By aligning the activity with your specific objectives, you’re more likely to achieve meaningful results that benefit both the team and the workplace.

Balance Fun with Purpose

While it’s crucial for the team-building activity to be enjoyable, it’s also important to ensure it serves a purpose beyond just having fun. Think about how the activity can help strengthen bonds, improve problem-solving skills, or encourage collaboration. A trivia game might be entertaining, but could it also foster communication or teach something new about the team? Similarly, a creative workshop could bring out fresh ideas that are beneficial in the workplace. Striking the right balance between fun and purposeful engagement will ensure that your team-building efforts are both enjoyable and impactful.

Keep Inclusivity in Mind

A successful team-building activity is one where everyone feels included and comfortable participating. Be mindful of your team members’ physical abilities, interests, and any potential constraints. If you have team members with mobility issues, a physically demanding outdoor adventure might not be the best choice. Instead, opt for activities that are accessible to all, such as creative workshops, virtual team-building games, or low-impact mindfulness exercises.

Additionally, cultural backgrounds and individual preferences should be taken into account to avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable or left out. Ensure the activity is adaptable and considerate of everyone’s needs, whether that’s dietary preferences during a cooking class or offering both physical and non-physical alternatives during an active team-building day.

Factor in Time and Budget

The time available for team building, as well as the budget, will naturally influence your choice. Shorter activities like office trivia or virtual coffee breaks might be perfect for a one-hour team-building slot, while a full-day outdoor retreat or a cooking class could require more time and financial investment. It’s important to weigh the time commitment and resources required against the value you expect to gain from the experience.

If budget is a constraint, there are still plenty of low-cost or free options that are highly effective, such as group walks, online games, or in-office creative challenges. Just remember, the activity doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate to be meaningful!

Think About Remote and Hybrid Teams

For teams that work remotely or in hybrid environments, traditional in-person activities might not always be possible. In these cases, virtual team-building activities offer an excellent alternative. Consider virtual options like digital escape rooms, online quiz nights, or virtual coffee chats to keep remote workers connected. If some team members work in the office while others are remote, choose activities that allow everyone to participate, such as hybrid scavenger hunts or virtual workshops. The goal is to ensure that all team members, regardless of location, can engage and feel part of the experience.

Assess Team Size and Group Dynamics

Smaller teams may benefit from more intimate activities that allow for deeper connections, such as collaborative problem-solving tasks, creative workshops, or small group discussions. In contrast, larger teams might need activities that involve multiple sub-groups or rounds of competition, such as a team-building tournament or relay race. Also, keep in mind whether your team is newly formed or well-established, as this may influence the intensity or familiarity of the activities you choose. Newly formed teams might appreciate icebreaker games or lower-pressure activities, while established teams could thrive with more challenging, high-energy tasks.

Gather Feedback and Involve the Team

One of the best ways to ensure the success of a team-building activity is to involve your team in the decision-making process. Gather feedback from past activities—what worked well and what didn’t? You can also send out a quick survey or have an open discussion to gauge interest in different activities. By giving your team a say, you’ll increase buy-in and ensure the activity is something everyone looks forward to.

Follow Up After the Activity

Finally, after the team-building event, take the time to follow up with your team. Reflect on the experience—what did you learn? How did the activity impact team dynamics? Were the objectives met? This reflection can help you plan future activities and continue to build on the successes of your team-building efforts. It also shows that the event wasn’t just a ‘tick-box’ exercise but a valuable part of the team’s growth.


Team building for small groups doesn’t have to be complicated—it just has to be fun, meaningful, and tailored to your team’s needs. Whether you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen, hiking through nature, or escaping from a virtual room, the key is to foster connection and laughter in a way that brings everyone closer together. So, get creative, think outside the box, and watch your team thrive!

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website, https://skyhr.io, by the central SkyHR team

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